Do you ever think you can hack people' s computer and do a lot of trick? Here HAPPY LAND provided you a lot of easy hack program. Don't worry, all this program are not harm, just can play a joke with your friend. But got some too can create a big harm to other, so please use it carefully, and please don't use all this pro to peep people' s secret. Respect to other and respect to yourself too. LANDLORD WILL NOT RESPONSIBLE TO ANY DESTROY IF YOU USE THE PRO RECKLESSLY!!! Thanks for your cooperation.


Netbus is a popular hack program, it can let you enter people's computer easily. First step you must send people the patch file which can find in the netbus folder, and cheat them to open the patch file. You can rename the patch file to any name so people don't know what the file you send to them. After the victim open the patch, you can enter their IP ADDRESS , then click CONNECT in the netbus box, then you are now successful to hack their computer. GOT ONE FUNCTION IS DELETE PEOPLE' s FILE, DON'T USE IT!!! IT IS SO CRUEL!!!


Unhidder99 is use for ICQ99 and it can crack you icq then you can see everybody's IP ADRESS from their info although they hide their IP. Beside that you can add anybody as u like without authorize. First step, put the UNHIDDER file in your icq folder (remember don't use your original icq file, copy a new one and put your original file in a safe place). Then click the UNHIDDER file, follow the step then the message will show that you are successful to crack the file, then enjoy yourself.......


This is netbus upgrade version, it's patch file is a game, cheat people to open it, if the victim open it and play the game. You know what to do lah.


This is a program to protect your computer of NETBUS, if someone try to hack your computer, this program will inform you that someone hack your computer then you can revenge the people try to hack your computer. It is easy to use, try it yourself.


This program can help you to destroy people's NETBUSTER, they think they are safe from NETBUS, but with this program,  you can destroy NETBUSTER easily, then hack them and play a joke with them........


This program let you play trick in the icq chat room, try it yourself.


This prgram same function as netbus, if you are interested, you can try it yourself.


A program use for icq.....try it yourself, maybe got a suprise after use it.


This let you know whether user of ICQ in invisible mode or not, and it can let you see invisible user.


An ICQ revenge tool, if someone make you angry in ICQ, let him eat this!!!


 More hack program will be provided, wait for it............

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